Apr 25, 2011

Beauty and Reality

I am working on an English paper for my Cather class about the reality of suffering in life, and how the pain is just as beautiful as the joyful aspects of life because suffering is a true aspect of humanity. Truth is beautiful - not our constructed or crafted, dishonest views of the world if we try to see it as a place only of easy days and happy moments. In the same way, we must learn to be honest about our own state. We must be willing to share our pain and struggles and weakness in order to present a true picture of our own state. Suffering is reality, and therefore truth. Sin is also reality, something we must be honest about, as it is a truth of our nature. If I am not honest about my weaknesses, I am not presenting the entire gospel. If no one is shown my fallen state, they can not understand the great hope of the gospel. If I do not share what it is I have been saved from and need to be saved from everyday, I cannot fully preach the salvation and sanctification of Christ.

I am slowly learning to be soft, to allow these realizations to sink in and then change my life and actions. He is humbling me everyday, teaching me to be clay, teaching me to be quiet and gentle. I am grateful for that - I am becoming the woman He wants me to be, not the prideful and loud and opinionated woman I thought I ought to be.

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