Jan 24, 2011

Catching Up

Christmas break has come and gone.

I baked alot:
Cooked alot:
(This is Julia Child's boeuf bourguignon.)
We had a great time in Florida:
And now we're back at school surrounded by books and friends and snow. So much snow.
I am going to try to write more over the course of the semester. I am sad I have forgotten about this.


Julie said...

Oh, I'm very glad you've returned, Shannon -- keep writing. I know that it's a challenge with the busyness of school, but all who read are encouraged by what you learn and express so well.
Much Love,

sentz said...

i enjoy when you post and share about your life and pictures too. praying for you and your time at school. enjoy the snow, it does not last forever.

Teresa said...

I'm sad you forgot about it too. I always enjoy reading your posts. So how did the boeuf bourguignon turn out? Like velvet like your Mom said? I hope you have a great semester and I look forward to catching up with you through your blog. :-)

Lisa said...

glad you're back. always love to see your pics and posts. have a great semester!!