From that point on, the love and care that my siblings and I were shown has been overwhelming, and a tangible expression of God's own love for us.
I thank God for:
> Andrew. I am so glad that he was here when it happened. He was a solid presence, and I was very glad to have him with us. I told him this morning while we were sitting at the hospital that I'd never considered what I would do if there was a medical emergency and Mom and Dad weren't around. He was calm, reassuring, and steady.
> Liz and Juls. They picked me up from the elementary school where I was supposed to be reading to little kids, and they were with us at the hospital. Juls was always ready to make EA laugh, and having Liz's comforting hugs and presence was such a blessing.
> Our dear Hillsdale friends. Between Andrew and I, we probably heard from about half of the school, asking how EA was doing. We were offered rides, food, help, and even a visit from parents if we needed some to be around. Their prayers carried us, I am sure of it. Now, they are sitting with EA (she's on room arrest, thanks to me), bringing her food, making her tea, giving her flowers, and caring for her so well.
> Our friends and family from home. We have such a solid foundation - a church full of friends who offer their prayers from hundreds of miles away, and call us just to make sure everything's okay. Knowing they were petitioning God on our behalf was encouraging and strengthening.
> Our church family here in Hillsdale. Our pastor stopped by the hospital to see us, and to pray with us, and with EA. Seeing him in the lobby was such an unexpected lift to my spirit. Our friend Allison (who I babysit for) contacted me throughout the day, wondering what she could do and how she could help us. She offered pizza, rides, and prayers. It was overwhelming the love I felt from them. Knowing I have a church home away from home brought such peace and thankfulness.
The doctor believes it is very unlikely EA had a seizure - she probably just had a fainting spell, or some such thing where she has seizure-like symptoms. We are so thankful for this.
It is incredible the situations God gives us so that we might learn to trust Him more - He always proves Himself to be faithful and kind. His steadfast love knows no end, and He keeps His children in perfect peace. I do not fear the future, and God was kind to bring me to trust Him in the midst of not knowing what was happening to my dear sister. He is so kind.
I have set the Lord always before me;
Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Psalm 16
I'm praying for you, EA, and your family. So glad it seems to be turning out okay. I pray that God continues to shower you all with His love, peace and comfort. *hugs* Love from CA, Risa
I have been praying, Shannon.
Mrs. Wheeler
Shannon, it's so crazy how things like this can happen so unexpectedly. It's heart stopping. But I am amazed at your grace in handling it. I'm grateful that you let us know..... I prayed for you all the moment I read that. How is she doing now?
Love Morgan
I know this was a while ago, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry, that I'm praying, that I love you.
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