Jul 3, 2010

Glorious Weight

These days are very weighty.

They are heavy with souls in need that come to us as clients at the law firm.
Heavy with the responsibilities of a household to manage and mouths to feed.
Heavy with deep desires for the future.
Heavy with the privilege given to me to be a light for my Savior.
Heavy with prayers for those I know, and those I don't.
Heavy with piles of books, and laundry, all around.
Heavy with humidity and hot sunshine.
Heavy with the command to love one another as Christ has loved.

But oh, this weight pushes us down, yes, but it only pushes us further into our Rock. Our firm salvation. Our blessed, and solid, assurance. I am in Christ.

What a kind Savior He is.


Ben Maddock said...


That is amazing! Amen to that one. I am going through a heavy time right now. Thank you for the blog, it was very reassuring about where I find my strength, my firm foundation, my rock, my Lord and savior. I will rely on my foundation for my strength, not on my flimsy, withered, and tired frame. God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Mmm. *more hugs*

IamEmily said...

What a great mental picture of being pushed down and closer to the Rock of Christ. Beautiful words.