As I'm done with school and slowly heading home, I've been thinking alot about community, family, and why I am who I am. I have also been thinking about how I have a responsibility to those people and to those places. They have given themselves into me, helping to shape who I am, and I have a responsibility towards them. As I return home, fresh from nine months of pouring into my studies, and being poured into by my professors and classmates, I have a responsibility to Hillsdale College now. I have a responsibility to allow what I have learned to change me, and to bring that to Lancaster.
I love wearing "Hillsdale College" across the front of my shirt. It reminds me that I am not just an individual human being with personal desires and dreams. I am not just one person who must strive towards my own benefit. I am part of something much greater, part of a community of minds and hearts and souls that have learned and grown together in the last year. I owe it to them, and I owe it to the college itself to seek to apply my knowledge, and to give to others what Hillsdale has given to me.
Looking forward to you coming back to Lancaster, Shannon! Oh, and I'm happy that you're taking Vital Life...I'll see you there!
This is such a good, good way to look at a college. Not as individuals majoring in a study so as to get good jobs, but as a community of people sharing and helping one another learn. Thanks, Shannon, for your wisdom and insight.
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