May 15, 2010

May 15.

May 15: The newest bag of blueberries from the freezer has some of the biggest and sweetest ones of the whole batch.

Coming home has been a bit of a slower adjustment than I had anticipated. When I'm at college, I want to be home. And now, when I'm home, sometimes I want to be back at school. My heart is so fickle and ungrateful. I have been fighting, and trying to be content. I want to be grateful for exactly where I am, and joyful in what I have been given to do each day.

And so, I decided to start a project: I am going to take at least one photo everyday of this place. I want to remind myself often of how beautiful and precious Lancaster is. I want to learn to be grateful for every moment, and I want to remind myself of the glory around me. So, here's day one. I'm excited to do this.

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