Feb 22, 2010

And grace continues to overflow.

My heart is full tonight, and there are so many thoughts running through my head. Perhaps if I number them, it will be easier for me to sort through them.

1) My pastor, Mr. Privitera, is here visiting. He came in this evening and will be staying through tomorrow afternoon. EA and I spent two hours around the table this evening with him and his daughters and parents talking about what God is doing in CrossWay Church of Lancaster and Hillsdale Orthodox Presbyterian, about what God is doing at this school and in our lives. I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness of the Lord. I am overwhelmed that He would give me the same church home for my entire life, and that He would place men like my pastor in my life that are humble and faithful and who care for their flock. I am convinced that growing up in the same church and hearing the same solid, faithful, gospel-centered teaching all my life has given me a foundation that is so unique and such a blessing. The humility of my pastor is so clear to me in that he would make an extra day or two to visit two college students. This is God's grace to me.

2) Joy. This semester, it has been a struggle to live my days joyfully. Tonight, the Lord convicted my heart that I am not dwelling at the foot of the cross. My perspective is not informed by the knowledge of my Savior. When we do not live in light of the glory of the gospel, joy is elusive and has no foundation. I wake up every morning and pray for joy, and the Lord is faithful to provide it, yet I spend my days thinking about what I must do, or where I need to change. "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." (Isaiah 26:3) May I spend my days with the cross always in my gaze, and may I learn to rest solely in Christ and His work. Only then, through the gracious and sovereign work of God, will joy be full to overflowing. God is doing this work in my heart, and oh, it is by His grace alone.

3) Psalm 51 pierced my heart tonight. It is the prayer of my soul. "Restore to me the joy of your salvation." (verse 12) This is my desire. This is where my hope lies. And I have full confidence, because of the cross, that the Lord will bring this joy that lies in Christ alone to my life.

And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.


sweetly broken said...

Shannon, I didn't know you had a blog. But I am ever so grateful I stumbled upon it. It is grace to me to hear your heart in these words of confession, hope and honoring of our own Peter Privitera. May God bless all of the humility you've embraced with His never failing grace. Love to you, Kristin

sweetly broken said...

I don't think my first comment went through...so here I go again. SO blessed to find you have a blog. You should have told me! But I am even more blessed at what you had to say. The words of humility, love for God, and honor of our own Peter Privitera is a mark of God's grace in you. Thank you for sharing so humbly, my friend. Love to you today, Kristin

Lauren said...

Shannon your posts are always so encouraging to read! I love hearing about how God is growing you... and His grace in your life! Love you

Becky said...

It warms my heart to read your words. I am so glad you are doing well at school. And I am happy you have fun visitors. :) Maybe the kids and I could come for a weekend.... we could bring our sleeping bags...

Julie said...

Oh this was so good for my soul to hear. This week is crazy and I find it tempting to focus on what I must do and the ridiculous schedule of mine, and to forget the peace and joy of the cross and our faith. Your choice of scripture and hymns always apply so perfectly to your words - that always hits me. Thank you, dear friend, for your constant reminders to us. I'm praying for you.